
E-Heavy Line Sideloader

Diesel Sideloader

Multidirectional Sideloader

Special-purpose Sideloader

Concrete mixer

Used / Rental lift trucks

SideBull Ambulifte
Sideloader expert
Bulmor is an expert in creating individual solutions for handling long, heavy and bulky goods. Sideloaders, multidirectional sideloaders, specialised vehicles for order picking and special-purpose lifting trucks from Bulmor are used in various industries, such as timber, steel, aluminium and plastics.
Innovation und Kundennutzen stehen für BULMOR als führender Lösungsanbieter im Bereich Schwerlast- und Sonderhebefahrzeuge in der Intralogistik an erster Stelle.
High competence in understanding and solving the customer’s problems, user-friendly handling and low total cost of ownership by providing easy access to components, solid design and original spare parts, complete Bulmor’s philosophy.